Who is the biggest enemy of your success? If you are regular readers of success letter, you might know that your thinking changes everything, from losing to winning and setbacks to victory. Everything is depending upon your thinking; your thinking creates your thoughts.
And finally negative thoughts are the biggest enemy of success.
Everybody has negative thoughts problem, but if you run away from it, it will be bigger in size, let’s have to accept the area in which you have negative thoughts, carefully watch it, and find solution on it, go deeper and deeper, why it’s happening? You yourself find the solution for your negative thoughts, but condition is you have to accept everything; otherwise you could not find the real solution.
Negative thoughts hold you back. Your life will not be easy. It will take away all your joy. Let’s set a 2016 goal to be free from negative thoughts.
Remember other people opinion is not your destiny, you might be alone in your thinking, but remember if you are right, success is yours, no matter how much people are disagree with you.
Success is not easy to get, it’s not a free gift, and it’s a lot than you think.
If you are free from negative thoughts, you are full of positive thoughts. If you develop a habit of second level thinking as Oaktree capital management founder Howard Mark uses this term in its recent memo. He refers in terms of Investing. If you use it in our personal life, you can’t imagine the positive results in your life. It has multiplier effect in your life.
“First level thinking says its easy, but second level thinking says, it’s easy so everyone try to grab the opportunity, let’s find the difficult task, so the competition is less, let’s have some extra effort and become successful”
If you overcome from the negative thinking, you can easily develop the second level thinking.
It’s a great memo to read. Please find the memo link “It’s not easy”
To Your Success, with Lot of Love!
Harish S Kawalkar
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