The DNA of Success – GOALS


Goals are for success. If you like to become successful in life, you must master in goal setting, and achieving your goals.

It’s in your hand to set goal, prepare plan, work on it, and achieve your goal in specific time.

Have you working on your goal. Only dreams are nothing to do in life, you have to set a specific goal to achieve your desired dream. You must have definite goal in life.
Your goal decides what you will achieve in your life.

You must have to decide what you want from your life? In following things

1) Income: How much income you would like to earn in a year? And what will it be in next year? You must set your income goal, every year. Your income decides your standard of life. You must set income goal.

2)Family: What kind of lifestyle you want to live? What are the vacations you want to have with your family? Decide and set a goal with your family members.

3)Health: I think health is most important in life. Health is wealth.  Exercise daily, it must be your routine for entire life.

You can set goals in your family, but after setting your goal, you must have a specific plan to achieve your goal in specific time period, in short you must have a deadline. Without dead line your goals are converted into dreams.

Set a specific and strict deadline, work on it. Take review on monthly basis and ask yourself, are you on your way to achieve goals? Don’t bother at all work on your plan on daily basis.


Time is very important in life; in investment we calculate time value of money. Let’s see what it is

“The idea that money available at the present time is worth more than the same amount in the future due to its potential earning capacity”. (Source Investopedia)

In simple terms, you’re potential to earn or achieve more in life, which is justified by time. Time is very important asset in life. Your whole life depends upon how you invest your time? How you use your time?

In goals your time is very important; use it in your favor.

Problems are everywhere, you have to deal with it very successfully. Don’t bother or don’t hesitate to face the problems, because every new opportunity lies in a problem. You might have problems those are beyond your limits, try to develop new skills, acquire new knowledge and face problems, and find the solution.

To do list:

To do list, I have a habit of to do list; I make it on daily basis. Its very easy to have a list. You will have a time to focus on your plan and your activity. You must have a habit of making To Do List.


Prioritize your plan and your activity. People don’t know how to prioritize their plan, it’s a skill but it has a simple formula, “Do what is important and urgent?” rest you have to plan?

Self discipline:

In achieving your goal, your self-discipline plays very important role. Nothing in life is more important than self discipline. You can read more in the “Success Letter”

Self discipline is the most important tool in achieving your goal.


Set your goal; achieve it in specific time, by prioritizing your activity, and you must be self discipline.



To Your Success

Sign Final Harish




Harish S Kawalkar

PS: Don’t miss, reading success letter, be ready to learn new things and become more successful in life. Sign up! For “The Success Letter” (It’s Free) 

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